Construction Safety Committee

Construction Safety Committee

Angel Freytez, Senior Environmental Health and Safety Specialist, Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management, Chair (T)

Ray Cook, Representative, Engineering (R)
Barbara Delgado, Representative, Facilities (R)
Tim Haley, Representative, Facilities (R)
Joseph Kristoff, Representative, Utilities (R)
James Norton, Representative, Utilities (R)
Collin Payne, Representative, Engineering (R)
Daniel Putegnat, Representative, Facilities (R)

Permanent Guest to the Committee: 
Scott Rouse, Associate Director, Facilities, Planning, Design and Construction 

The function of the Construction Safety Committee is to review safety issues involving construction and university property to protect construction personnel Texas State students, faculty, staff, and property. The committee reviews construction projects to ensure safety concerns for future occupancy are addressed.