Confined Space Entry

Confined Space Regulations

Because confined spaces offer limited means of entry or exit and may contain hazards, employees must comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146 and the Texas State University Confined Space Entry Program when working in these areas. The Confined Space Entry Program is available from the Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk & Emergency Management (EHSREM) Department. For questions about the Confined Space Entry Program, please call EHSREM at 512-245-3616.

TXST water tower

Confined Spaces

Examples of confined spaces include manholes, crawl spaces, tunnels, tanks, and trenches.

Confined Space Characteristics


A confined space is any enclosed area with the following characteristics:

  • Limited means of entry or exit
  • Structure that is not designed for extended human occupation
  • Atmosphere that is actually or potentially hazardous
  • Potential for other hazards

Permit Requirements

Most confined spaces are actually or potentially hazardous. These confined spaces require work permits because they have one or more of the following:

  • Hazardous atmosphere or the potential to contain hazardous atmosphere
  • Materials that could engulf employees
  • Internal structure or contents that could trap or asphyxiate employees
  • Other recognizable hazards

Employee Responsibilities

All employees and contractors must follow the guidelines in the Texas State University Confined Space Entry Program and other required programs to ensure safe entry into confined spaces.

Departments and Supervisors

Departments and Supervisors are responsible for the following:

  • Selecting a person to authorize entry
  • Authorizing entrants and attendants, as appropriate
  • Providing atmospheric monitoring equipment, personal protective equipment, and other necessary equipment
  • Training the people who authorize entry and the people who enter and attend confined spaces


EHSREM is responsible for the following:

  • Assisting with identifying confined spaces, as necessary
  • Assisting with training employees, as appropriate
  • Monitoring program compliance