Incident Report

The purpose of this form is to report injuries that occurred on campus, involving visitors, guests, and/or students who are not employees of Texas State.

Please complete the following form and click submit. The form will provide us with the necessary information to start an investigation into your concern.

If you are reporting an unsafe condition, please complete the Safety Hazard Report.

If you are reporting a crime please contact the University Police Department. If you would like to report the crime anonymously please fill out the UPD Anonymous Tip Line

Classification of Person Injured
First, Middle Initial, and Last
Please include a secondary number
Nature of Injury
Please include as much detail as possible
Is medical treatment needed?
Please include the address
Were emergency personnel called to the incident?
Emergency Personnel Called
Please include, names and badge numbers if possible
Were there witnesses to the incident?
Please include full name, address, and phone number if possible