FSS Awards Nomination
Nominate a team of individuals who have gone above and beyond. Team members must be predominantly individuals from the division of Finance and Support Services.
TXST Team Awards Nomination
Nominate a team of individuals who have gone above and beyond. Team must be made predominantly of staff members.
Claims Forms
To be filled out to submit any claim to Texas State University.
Confidentiality Agreements
Should be completed at every new hire and renewed annually.
Conscribed Email Request
For emails to be sent out on a mass scale to University Staff and Students.
FSS Divisional Town Hall
Submit questions to be addressed in the quarterly FSS Divisional Town Halls
Renovation, New Space & Function
Submit to request budget cost estimates and start the process for renovations, new space, or changes in the function of space for Texas State properties.
Retirement Funds Request
Request to use $400 in funds reserved for retirement receptions for staff retiring with 15 or more years of service. $50 of this $400 may be used towards a tangible gift.
Alcoholic Beverage Activity Form
Download and fill out the Alcoholic Beverage Activity form to serve alcoholic beverages at your function. Please review the Texas State Alcohol Policies.