Hosting a fundraiser or event where you will be serving, selling, or otherwise providing food? A food permit many be required. EHSREM issues permits for food distribution on campus by organizations, departments, individuals, and vendors. Use our Food Permit Decision Tree to help guide you though this process!
Food Safety Program
The Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management (EHSREM) office ensures the safe handling of food to prevent the spread of foodborne illness on campus through a training, permitting, and inspection program.

Food Permitting
Texas Food Handler Training
In order to serve food on campus and obtain a food permit for your event, food handler training and certification is required. EHSREM offers a state-licensed food handler training program, free of charge to Texas State faculty, staff, and students.

Food Policies
EHSREM’s Food Safety Program works closely with our campus partners and applicable regulatory agencies to ensure that food establishments on campus are compliant with state and local rules. The guiding policy for food safety on campus is the Food Safety and Sanitation UPPS that was developed based on Department of State Health Services standards.