SPCC Program
What is SPCC?
The Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (or SPCC) Regulation, enforced by the EPA, is a method for preventing oil pollution into U.S. water bodies. Originally published in 1973 under authority of the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollution Prevention Regulation (40 CFR 112) requires entities to develop and implement SPCC plans that outline efforts to prevent, respond, and remediate oil spills into or near navigable waters.
Why is Texas State required to operate and maintain an SPCC Plan?
This regulation is applicable to Texas State because the University stores more than 1,320 gallons of fuel or oil on campus. The volume of oil and fuel stored at Texas State is approximately 50,000 gallons.
How is Texas State maintaining compliance with the SPCC Regulation?
For compliance with the SPCC Regulation, Texas State's SPCC plan outlines the following as compliance measures:
- Routine inspections of all oil containing units
- Annual SPCC training for all employees that work with used oil or fuel
- Secondary containment requirements for all oil storage units greater than or equal to 55 gallons
- Tank integrity testing on large diesel storage tanks
These items need to be implemented to be in compliance with the rule that was effective in 1973 and strengthened in 2002. In addition, the plan is updated every five years and certified by a Professional Engineer.
Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan
- The University's SPCC Plan describes oil pollution prevention activities implemented on campus, as required by the SPCC Regulation. If you have questions about the SPCC Plan, please contact us.
Training for Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC)
- Training on SPCC is administered annually through SAP for university employees who work with oil and petroleum products. For questions about content or training requirements, please contact us.